
  • How To Take Whippets Without A Cracker
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 22. 02:17
    How To Take Whippets Without A Cracker
    1. How To Use Whippets

    Always wanted to try nitrous. Finally went out and found some whippits at a gourmet food store. Although I didn't not buy the whipped cream canister. Instead I bought balloons and searched all over the city for a cracker. Couldn't find one.

    My question is, is it possible to get the Nitrous out of the whippits and into a balloon without a cracker or canister? If so, please explain in detail how it's done.

    I've never done or seen anyone do nitrous so this is all very new to me. Experianced replies would be greatly appreciated.

    How to take whippet without a clacker

    I don't have a cracker or a dispenser handy. Whipits without crackers. But I thought the OP was asking for other ways that whippets can be used if you do not. My question is, is it possible to get the Nitrous out of the whippits and into a balloon without a cracker or canister? If so, please explain in detail. Have whip its but no longer have a cracker. Cant buy crackers anywhere in this town.? I moved out of california and I recently bought some whip its to learn I cant seem to find a cracker anywhere around here. An other way you know of to do them??

    I'm trying to break the metal seal with a knife. I know sounds stupid and ghetto, but I'm wearing many layers of clothes as well as gloves under oven mitts, no skin is exposed.

    But I can't seem the break the seal. I made a ghetto plastic container with balloon on it so if I can break the seal my device should work. Any idea how I can open the seal? I tried drilling with a knife, doesn't look like I'm even affecting the seal. I've looked and asked at all the 3 headshops and 2 sex shops, nothing. And I can't buy a cracker online.


    My only option is to make one out of PVC piping but I have no knowledge of parts and such so I'd prolly do a horrible job. Hahaha dont try busting the bulb open with a knife you wont get it in the balloon, that gas is stored under high pressure & you will most likely just end up injuring your self. If you are really that desperate to do the nitrous heres a website with some directions on how to make a ghetto nang cracker with things found at a hardware store.

    Also you used to be able to buy them on ebay, you might find one on there if you would rather wait. Also try out local second hand stores, thrift stores etc for old soda syphons they are fairly common to find just make sure it has the screw on part that hold the bulb otherwise the thing is useless! Some previous responders are '.' But a lot of good ones. Here's the first solution. Here's your supplies needed.

    1 - large diameter fast-food straw 1 - 1 gallon ziploc bag, double-zip, thicker plastic, both are good. 1 - roll of tape (high qual.

    Electrical tape best, rubbery not plastic-y) 1 - push pin, screw, thumbtack, anything pointy. 1 - a number of whipits Cut the corner of your gallon bag opposite the zipper, very small. Shove your 2 pieces of straw cut in half in the corner. Wrap that shit up liberally with tape. Zip your bag, blow up through the straw. Holds pressure?

    Good, lets move on. If not, get it right, you'll thank yourself later. Ok if your bag holds air, put in a whipit and a push pin. The little cap in the whipit is not hard to poke through. Seal up your bag and push out all the air through the straw. Seal the bag and get the whipit lined up with the needle and make sure the plastic from the bag is not in between. Put the straw in your mouth and suck in the air, blow it out your nose.


    How To Use Whippets

    Keeping the straw in your mouth, push the needle in the center of your whipit, and pull it out. It will fill up your gallon bag pretty full, sometimes it will stretch out the sides. Just breathe it in and hold your breath, or keep breathing the bag in and out but this will cause condensation to form inside the bag, some of my friends argue it gets you higher but I believe their lungs are smaller and their ability to hold their breath is less. A lot of people say that the n20 canister has potential to become a projectile/freeze, and they're right. But its pretty hard to hurt yourself with this method. If you poke a hole in the bag tape it up no big deal. I've never got (seriously) frozen, stabbed, or projectiled.

    Take your time and be careful. I have a canister and a cracker. Aluminum crackers are more crap than plastic, brass is ten times as hard for metal cracker.

    Not trying to call out the previous guy about saying metal is better than plastic but it depends what metal. (brassplasticaluminum) Canister is very good, cracker not so much. Even when using a cracker I use this bag method, since balloon filling is easy to fuck up. Escaping gas from sides and bottom of cracker, popped balloons, frozen balloons, I put all that behind.

    Canister can be cost-prohibitive (you know how many whipits that $ would buy??) but is very good if you are tobacco/ganj smoker and you have high lung capacity and ability to hold your breath for long periods of time. (high heart rate, low breathing rate, high lung capacity, all signs of poor health, but good for whip-it-ing) Never ever pop the whipit against your bare skin (you're doing it wrong) TRPP.

    How To Take Whippets Without A Cracker
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